One way we help do this is by providing food, shelter and Bible teaching at 3 different orphan homes. Because of donors like you, sweet ones like these can focus on their studies and feel safe, secure and significant. We want every child to be free from wondering when their next meal will be, to rejoicing in how our Lord provides through all things. Contributions like yours help fund our mission and help us spread the Love of Jesus and the Gospel.
We are looking for monthly and one time contributors who would like to invest in these children's lives. To fully fund each orphanage means food for the children and staff, staff salaries as well as all material needs for the children, building maintenance, medical and transportation. It costs $150 per month per child to provide this fully. We are at $100 per month per child right now. We have 88 children at an increase of $50 per child $4,400 per month is what we need to make these orphan homes top of the line homes.
Please consider if this ministry is one you'd like to support. And as always, please be praying, you make a difference!
Gbangbatoke, Sierra Leone - pronounced Bam-buh-took. This is where our largest orphan home is located. Our staff including cooks, security, teachers and care takers called "aunties."
Did you know the Tefeya orphanage runs a piggery?